Getting to know how drinking coffee can nourish the brain and its perk
17 May 24

Getting to know how drinking coffee can nourish the brain and its perk


Most of us start running a day from our very first “brain sparking” favorite coffee menu to make sure this morning continues to be fresh and proactive or even in the afternoon to fight against the drowsiness whence past noon; and some people


naturally sipping this in the evening to sort out the work continuingly after work.


With the benefits of caffeine in coffee helping us feel alert and energetic, it's undeniable that once we reach a certain working age, coffee has become an inevitable part of daily life for many people. On the flip side, some may view that caffeinated beverages should be avoided, thinking they will have negative impacts on the body, or worrying they could lead to serious illnesses in the future.


So what's the truth? To summarize, is coffee a hero or a villain? Are the reported benefits of coffee we've heard accurate information? Let's address these doubts together in this article.



How does coffee nourish our brain?


Let's first understand how caffeine works on the brain and why coffee can nourish the brain. As we know, the reason coffee helps keep us alert is because it contains caffeine, which has the property of directly stimulating the central nervous system of the brain. For example, it blocks adenosine (the substance that causes sleepiness in the brain). This is why people who drink coffee or consume caffeine don't feel drowsy and feel energized instead, even if they haven't had enough sleep.


To put it simply, the caffeine in coffee tricks our brains into thinking we're not tired.


Additionally, caffeine also stimulates the "happiness hormone" or dopamine to work better. That's why we often feel refreshed, in a good mood, lively, and relaxed after drinking coffee. The effects of caffeine last in the body for around 6 hours on average.


Moreover, there is evidence supporting other benefits of coffee. Caffeine, which affects adenosine and dopamine, has long-term positive effects in reducing the risk of diseases such as diabetes, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, and certain cancers. It also accelerates fat metabolism in the body and increases energy for exercise.



How to drink coffee and get its maximum nutrient benefit?




As we can see, coffee has numerous benefits for the body in many aspects. And today, PunThai has great techniques on how to drink coffee to get maximum benefits, which you can actually put into practice. Let me share them with you.


A morning coffee or afternoon coffee?


As mentioned earlier in the article, the effects of caffeine last around 6 hours in the body. To fully utilize its benefits of keeping the brain nourished without side effects like insomnia or difficulty sleeping afterward, we should drink coffee in the morning and afternoon periods as those are the best times, but after 2-3 pm; try to reduce or avoid coffee so that you don't have issues with inability to sleep at night.


Pairing coffee with your favorite dishes to nourish the brain


Coffee stimulates the stomach to produce more acid, which is why we shouldn't drink coffee on an empty stomach too much. The easy solution to this is to eat food along with drinking coffee in order to get the best results in all aspects. For those who can't think of what food items go well with coffee, you can read the article "Ideas for Breakfast Menus to Pair with Your Favorite Coffee" to get some ideas.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


Drink more water and stay hydrated


People who drink coffee regularly definitely understand the experience of frequent urination very well. This is because the caffeine in coffee has a diuretic effect that stimulates the body to expel more fluids, resulting in us having to use the restroom more frequently than normal. The consequence is that our bodies lose more water. Therefore, after drinking coffee, don't forget to drink plenty of plain water to replenish the lost fluids. Doing this will prevent any issues.



Coffee Nourishes the Brain - But Be Cautious


Without a doubt, it's not just the benefits of coffee that have entirely positive effects on the body. While caffeine can make you feel good and provides many benefits, if consumed excessively beyond a moderate amount, it can cause the brain to release hormones that stimulate an increased heart rate, blood pressure, and blood sugar levels.


Each person has a different ability to tolerate the effects of caffeine. Therefore, you need to observe yourself to determine what amount is not too little or too much for your body, in order to avoid the consequences of consuming excessive caffeine.


Watch Out for Caffeine Tolerance


Our brain can adapt to the regular amount of caffeine intake. When caffeine is consumed continuously over a long period, the brain automatically becomes accustomed to it. This leads to a feeling that an increasingly higher caffeine intake is needed, as the original amount no longer provides the desired effects or full benefits. This is also why abruptly stopping coffee consumption can lead to symptoms like headaches, irritability, and general discomfort. To counter this, we can occasionally reduce our coffee intake for a period to "reset" the body back to its normal state.


Be Careful of excessive consumption of caffeine


We should not consume more than 400 mg of caffeine per day, which is equivalent to about 6 shots (30 ml each) of espresso. While coffee can nourish the brain, drinking excessive amounts can lead to frequent urination, diarrhea, or poor sleep quality.


Watch Out for Weight Gain!


Let me clarify first that black coffee definitely does not cause weight gain. In fact, the benefits of black coffee help stimulate fat burning and increase energy for effective workouts. However...many people tend to prefer adding sugar to their coffee for better taste. It's this added sugar that can lead to unnoticed weight gain. The best approach is to try drinking black coffee without sugar. Or if you really can't resist, order a lightly sweetened option to control the amount of added sugar better instead.


Watch Out for Yellowing Teeth


Consuming colored foods and beverages like tea, coffee, or curries increases the chances of developing yellow teeth, among other factors. However, if we brush our teeth immediately after drinking coffee or rinse our mouth right after, it can greatly reduce this issue. Another technique is that if drinking iced coffee, using a straw can help minimize stains on the front teeth.




There is a research and evidence supporting the benefits of coffee for the body, and how coffee nourishes the brain by positively stimulating the central nervous system in various ways. Nevertheless, it is recommended to observe your own body's response to moderate coffee consumption for maximum benefits.


Enjoy the delicious, rich, and nourishing benefits of coffee at PunThai Coffee menus. Order at your nearest PunThai store or simply order through a delivery app for easy convenience.







