PunThai Franchise: The Best Franchises to Invest in 2024
06 Jun 24

PunThai Franchise: The Best Franchises to Invest in 2024


In 2024, it's a golden opportunity for those with limited investment budgets but a desire to start a franchise business with high success potential. There are various attractive franchise businesses that don't require a massive investment but have the potential to generate significant revenue and profits. If you're ready to seize the opportunity, many new entrepreneurs aim to open a franchise, but what franchise should you choose? PunThai invites you to invest in the PunThai Coffee franchise with a modest investment. It's a coffee shop business to watch this year, thanks to its growing popularity and promising growth trends, ensuring a worthwhile investment with excellent returns.


business startup


Things to Know Before Investing in a Franchise


What Should You Know Before Buying a Franchise?


When considering buying a franchise, there are several important factors to understand and evaluate before investing:


- Understand the franchise business and brand thoroughly: Study the history, concept, products/services, marketing strategies, and past successes.

- Explore and assess the target market: Analyze competitors, customer demand, and the business's potential.

- Review franchise contract terms carefully: Understand the fees, rights and restrictions, contract duration, renewal terms, etc.

- Evaluate initial costs: Include franchise fees, equipment investment, initial stock, location renovations, etc.

- Plan finances: Estimate income and expenses, cash flow, and return on investment.

- Consider personnel and management: Evaluate human resources management, necessary knowledge, and skills.

- Assess support systems: Look at training and management support from the franchisor.

- Evaluate risks: Plan and strategize to mitigate potential risks.


Deciding to buy a franchise requires careful study and planning to ensure it suits your readiness and ability to manage the business successfully.


franchise network


Criteria for Choosing a Franchise Worth Investing In


1. Brand Reputation

- A well-known brand can attract customers and build trust more easily as consumers are familiar with and trust the brand.

- A strong brand image with a unique market position and distinct identity differentiates the business from competitors and is easily memorable for customers.

- A strong brand is crucial for attracting potential investors due to its higher success likelihood.


However, building a strong brand requires continuous efforts in effective marketing communication and maintaining consistent product and service quality.


Thus, a strong brand is a valuable asset for a franchise business, increasing the chances of success.


2. System

- System efficiency: The system should be designed for smooth operation, high efficiency, error reduction, and cost control.

- Ease of learning: A good system should be easy to understand and follow, allowing franchisees to start their business quickly.

- Support and training from the franchisor: The parent company should provide comprehensive support and training programs to impart knowledge, operational steps, and business strategies.

- Information system: Utilizing IT systems for management and data integration enhances overall system efficiency.

- Continuous improvement: A good system should be regularly updated to adapt to changing business environments.


A robust operating system reduces risks, creates standard operating procedures, and ensures quality control, contributing to the franchise's success.


3. Profit

- Initial investment cost: The initial cost should not be prohibitively high, posing a barrier to entering the business. Typically, franchises have lower initial costs than starting a new business from scratch.

- Good income and profit: A good franchise should generate worthwhile income and profits, with satisfactory net profit margins.

- Operational expenses: Operational costs should be reasonable and not excessively high, impacting profits.

- Franchise fees: Fees paid to the franchisor should be reasonable and reflect the support and brand use.

- Growth potential: The business should have growth and expansion potential, increasing revenue and profits in the long run.


Analyzing these factors provides a comprehensive view of the business opportunity, profitability, and expected return on investment, aiding in making informed investment decisions.


4. Return

- Short payback period: A shorter payback period indicates lower risk, as faster payback reduces investment risk and provides funds for further business expansion.

- Aim for payback within half the contract term: Setting a goal to recoup the investment within half the franchise contract duration is a good indicator of high business potential and profitable returns for the remaining period.

- Factors affecting payback period:

    - Sales performance

    - Operational cost rates

    - Initial investment size

    - Net profit margins


Careful calculation and estimation: Before investing, investors should carefully calculate and estimate the payback period, potentially consulting experts and analyzing financial models.


A quick payback enhances business liquidity and growth opportunities, reducing risks and significantly increasing investment returns.


Considering these factors helps investors comprehensively evaluate the success potential of a franchise business, encompassing brand, operational systems, returns, and payback period, leading to an informed investment decision.


PunThai Cappucino


Origin of PunThai Coffee


Before we get to know PunThai franchise, let us first introduce the brief history of PunThai Coffee. PunThai Coffee is one of the businesses of PTG Energy Public Company Limited (PTG), the operator of PT gas stations, which has the most branches in Thailand.


The inception of PunThai Coffee began with its first branch at Bang Pahan on September 19, 2012. PunThai Coffee was designed with the concept of creating a coffee brand originating from an appreciation of Thai uniqueness and spirit, blending seamlessly with modernity, global influences, and contemporary lifestyles. The uniqueness of PunThai Coffee brand lies in its fusion of Thai charm with modern simplicity.


It stands out with a menu of beverages crafted from quality ingredients, featuring delicious, unique, and hard-to-find flavors. Additionally, it supports Thai farmers by sourcing local ingredients from across the country, such as coconut blossom sugar from Amphawa, palmyra sugar from Songkhla, and kaffir lime from Chanthaburi, among others.


Currently, PunThai Coffee has over 600 branches, with 60% located in gas stations and 40% in standalone locations. The company aims to expand to 800 branches by the second quarter of this year and has a goal of having 1,500 branches nationwide by the end of 2023.


Build in franchise model


PunThai Coffee Franchise: A Promising Investment in 2024


Strategies of the PunThai Coffee Franchise: A Worthwhile Investment


1. Establish a Nationwide Franchise Model

- PunThai Coffee aims to open at least one branch per district (except in the three southern border provinces), targeting around 800 branches and achieving 900 branches by the end of the second quarter, and 1,500 branches nationwide by the end of the year. All new branches will be franchise-operated.

- The selection of branch locations will consider the suitability of the area and costs, with 60% of branches in gas stations and 40% outside. In the future, 20% of branches will be company-owned and 80% franchised. The franchise will come in five formats: shop houses, food trucks, trailers, and standalone stores, with investment costs ranging from

- 1.25 to 2.5 million THB per branch, and contracts lasting 2-3 years. Franchise fees and marketing fees will total 6%.


2. Develop a Franchise Model

In addition to beverages, having snacks is essential to attract customers. The strategy for PunThai Coffee's franchise is to expand the product line to include non-beverage items to increase sales per bill, such as:

- Bakery and pastry

- Packaged snacks from local communities nationwide

- Souvenirs and premium items from the brand

- Coffee beans and drip coffee for home consumption


Expanding into non-beverage products offers customers more choices and helps boost sales per bill. Currently, non-beverage items account for about 30% of sales. Additionally, selling local products and souvenirs supports communities and promotes local culture, aligning with the brand's identity of blending Thai essence with contemporary styles.


3. ‘Local Ingredients’ as the Highlight of PunThai Coffee

- Another key strategy for PunThai Coffee is to use unique and hard-to-find local Thai ingredients to develop and create new beverage menus continuously.

- Recently, they introduced three new menu items featuring milk and corn kernels from Suwann Farm, aiming for a 20% increase in sales from this campaign.

- Using distinctive local ingredients to create new menus helps the brand stand out and attract customers, while also supporting local farmers. This strategy aligns with the brand's concept and identity of integrating Thai culture with modernity.


4. Expand and Maintain the Max Card Membership Base

- Currently, the Max Card membership base exceeds 19 million members, expected to grow to 21 million nationwide by the end of the year. This will facilitate data connection to analyze consumer behavior and develop strategies to boost sales and service frequency.

- The main goal is to expand the Max Card Plus (Red Card) membership by over 1 million, targeting loyal customers with twice the purchasing power of the general group.

- Expanding the membership base is a crucial strategy for retaining existing customers, building brand loyalty, and tailoring marketing strategies to target groups. Increasing the Red Card or Max Card Plus members, the primary high-purchasing-power customers, is particularly important.


With these standout strategies, PunThai Coffee not only becomes a leading coffee brand but also an attractive franchise investment. The business model is interesting, and the investment process is straightforward, with satisfactory returns. You might wonder why you should invest in a PunThai Coffee franchise. Today, we have the answers.


PunThai staff is opening a cafe


Why Invest in a PunThai Coffee Franchise?


1. Easy Investment, Grow with PunThai Brand, Worth the Investment

Being a PunThai franchisee doesn't require a high investment but offers comprehensive benefits and support from the parent company, helping entrepreneurs grow their business alongside a leading brand like PunThai.


2. Ready Training, No Experience Needed to Open a Store

Even if you lack experience in coffee or retail, PunThai is ready to provide advice and support in all areas, from selecting a location and designing the store to management, ensuring that franchisees can open and operate their business confidently.


3. Expert Team for Business Operation Consultation

Besides various supports, PunThai also has a team of experts to offer advice and guidance in running the business, from store preparation to managing marketing, inventory, and customer service, to ensure franchise success.


4. Quick and Clear Application Results

The application process to become a PunThai franchisee is quick and clear. Applicants can receive the results promptly, allowing them to make decisions and start their business immediately.


Investment opportunities in franchises with a modest budget but high potential for success are available in various sectors, including food and beverage, services, and retail. PunThai Coffee is a franchise worth watching this year. Although the initial franchise fee is just a few hundred thousand THB, it has high potential for rapid growth and a quick return on investment. Therefore, small investors should not miss the opportunity to invest in a PunThai Coffee franchise. For those ready to explore business opportunities this year, more details about investing in a PunThai Coffee franchise can be found on PunThai website, or you can follow PunThai blog for insightful franchise investment tips.